Our values

For 25 years, our focus on natural ingredients

Herbavita's corporate vision continues with Olly & Molly, based on the principle that for all animals, prevention is better than cure. OIly & Molly's product range is designed to provide preventive support to body functions and/or structures using natural, plant-based ingredients, but also to provide protection where needed.

Promoting instead of suppressing

From the very beginning, Herbavita as a company has resolutely turned away from the trend that dominates in animal care, which is the use of drugs (antibiotics) to protect animals.

Instead, Herbavita has focused on developing herbal and plant-based supplements to protect animals. At Olly & Molly, we also believe that stimulating is better than suppressing. Thanks to our supplements, you can give your best friend a natural boost for a happy and healthy life.

Remaining relevant in an ever-changing society

Today, our approach is proving more relevant than ever in a society with an increased preference for natural products. Our many years of experience can make a crucial difference. For more than 25 years, we have been producing supplements for animals based on scientific research and using natural raw materials.

We firmly believe in an unbiased approach in which the health of our dearest pets should always be paramount. At our modern production site in Kluisbergen, quality is constantly monitored and there is a constant drive for innovation and optimisation. Because only then can we continue to offer the very best quality supplements to our customers, and above all to their pets.